Ukraine Soli-Bus
👉 überweisen: Roter Stern Berlin 2012 e.V., IBAN DE70 8306 5408 0004 0255 47, Verwendungszweck UKRAINEBUS
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👉 über das Spendenformular mit Verwendungszweck UKRAINEBUS (unter Anmerkung)
Wenn Ihr Sachspenden habt (Generatoren, Verbandszeug,…), dann schreibt uns an
Дякуємо!!! 💜
Unsere Seiten:
— Call for donations Ukraine Solidarity Bus (USB) —-
We need your support! Since the beginning of the war, we – a group of volunteers – have been transporting aid and refugees in and outside Ukraine, where we collaborate with local activists. We currently focus on hospital supplies and medical care for women who have been raped. We depend on your donations to cover the costs for diesel and the purchase of goods.
It would be great if you could support us with a one-time or (better) regular donation. We issue receipts for donations of more than 300 EUR.
👉 transfer to Roter Stern 2012 e.V., IBAN DE70 8306 5408 0004 0255 47 (purpose: UKRAINEBUS)
👉 PayPal to or here
If you have donations in kind (generators, bandage kits…), please write to us:
Дякуємо 💜